Welcome to our Diocese of NJ MDG Task Force workspace!
The mission of our Task Force is to create a Diocesan-wide movement to promote awareness of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and to work with congregations to develop plans for their achievement. The Task Force’s focus on people facing extreme poverty throughout the world is based on our baptismal covenant “to strive for justice and peace among all people.” Here is a report on our activities in 2011. Members of the Diocese are welcome at our meetings. Our work over the next year will involve celebrating the work of Episcopal Relief and Development over the past 75 years.
Apply for Matching Grants for the MDG projects of your parish! More information about the Matching Grants program is here. The EXTENDED deadline is November 1, 2015. Here is a version in Word.
Earlier campaigns include Keeping the Poor with Us. Activities included Conversations about Poverty, an Offering of Letters with Bread for the World, and the Soles for the Harvest 5K Run.
With the blessings and support of the Bishop and Diocesan Council, parishes in our Diocese exceeded our goal to raise enough funds to purchase 10,000 nets in 2012-2013! We raised over $130,000. Here is the Nets sticker template. Print on Avery labels 22830. Here is a link to the video about the campaign. Our campaign was part of a larger push by Episcopal Relief and Development to raise $5 million for nets. They made it, too!
Here is a link to an article about the MDGs-- when there were 1000 days to go!
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