For Parish Representatives

Overview of Role: 


As a Parish Representative your responsibility is to invite your members of your congregation into a deeper sense of relationship with our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world in general and with those in the greatest need in particular.    As MDG Parish reps such an invitation is intended to be within the context of the MDGs.  In your dual role as Episcopal Relief & Development Parish Representatives you are also expected to continually advise your congregation about the opportunities to “heal a hurting world” offered by this highly regarded Episcopal organization.


Serving as your parish representative requires that you listen carefully to the needs and priorities of your congregation, meeting them where they are while creating a sense of possibility about how involvement with the MDGs might nourish them as Christians.  We expect you to work with other people in your congregation to develop plans and strategies that invigorate the lives of your congregation and deepen their faith. 

Specific Expectations: 


  1. Become Educated: 

Join ERD, EPPN and One Episcopalian: 

Episcopal Relief and Development: 

Episcopal Public Policy Network:

One Episcopalian:


Attend Diocesan MDG/ERD Task Force Workshop:  Go to Calendar of Upcoming Events.


Additional Resources:    


  1. Meet with the rector and key leaders in your parish to discuss your interest in developing a MDG parish task force.  


Listen to their suggestions and concerns.  Obtain names of people who they think may be of interest.  Talk about how the Task Force may fit into other parish initiatives and concerns.   Use this as an opportunity to explore the issue of local versus global, i.e, who is my neighbor?  Take to heart the concerns of all those present and try to consciously respond to them over time to the extent it is possible.


  1. Generate Interest in the MDGs.   


The following are among many that might be considered.  Look at www.mdgtf.pbworks   under “Cool Things Churches Have Done” and “More Ideas and Resources” for more ideas.


               Each month has a specific theme.  Here is one for this month.


Show The Millennium Development Goals:  Dream or Reality

                  27 minutes - Order from Bullfrog Films – 800-543-3764

                  Personal viewing cost - $29.95 plus $7.00 s& h-  $36.95

                  Check Lending Library at

Discuss Reactions/Thoughts (20 minutes)

Review ERD, EPPN, ONE brochures (20 minutes)

Closing Discussion - What Now?


Start six-week study group using “God’s Mission in the World”.  Study guides  are $4 each and can be ordered from http:/ or calling    1-800-543-1813.


In addition to a display with flyers and pamphlets, one could prepare a display using more concrete materials that make the goals more real.  See “Cool Things Churches Have Done” - MDG Trinity Cathedral Display at


  1. Create an MDG/ERD Task Force in Your Church: 



5.  Participate in MDG Training, Sharing and Support Activities: 


·         Keep in touch with your Convocation MDG  convocation Coordinator & other MDG Representatives.   

·         Attend  pre-Advent and pre-Lenten meetings in your respective Convocations to      discuss ideas, resources and plans for these seasons. 

·         Attend annual MDG Representative training program and annual celebration.


6.  Disseminate Information from Episcopal Relief & Development and Episcopal Public Policy Network and the MDG Task Force.  



7.  Sharing Stories about What You Have Done and Learned. 


      MDG Parish Reps are encouraged to send any stories or articles to ___________________ for possible publication in our bi-annual newsletter.   We also encourage you to send such stories to Episcopal Relief & Development or EPPN if  appropriate. 


8.  Semi-Annual Reporting  


       MDG Parish Reps are expected to prepare reports and submit them to their Convocation representatives in January and June of each year.   These reports will be used to help us determine how to better support parish representatives and to know what is happening in your congregation.  Click here to download the report form.


9.   Carry Our Responsibilities Defined in the Episcopal Relief & Development Parish Representative Guidelines. 


      MDG Parish Representatives have the dual responsibility of serving as Episcopal Relief & Development Representatives.  Please refer to “Primary Partners” Episcopal Relief & Development Parish Representative Handbook.   

10. Pray the Counting Prayer: 


“The World now has the means to end extreme poverty, we pray we will have the will.” Amen


Mission Statement:   

Our mission is to create a Diocesan-wide movement to promote awareness of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and to work with congregations to develop plans for their achievement.  The Task Force’s focus on people facing extreme poverty throughout the world is based on our baptismal covenant “to strive for justice and peace among all people.”